Designer Chandeliers

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2 Products Found
Metavaya Chandelier 1head / Polished brass Raindrop Linear Chandelier 336019216171 M202302173-1 Raindrop Linear Chandelier | Raindrop Linear Chandelier for Sale Metavaya Chandelier Raindrop Linear Chandelier Raindrop Linear Chandelier | Raindrop Linear Chandelier for Sale
Polished brassBlackedPolished nickelShow More Colors
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Raindrop Linear Chandelier

Raindrop Linear Chandelier. Engaging the viewer in an ever-changing pattern of expansion and compression – much like the rhythm of a rainstorm itself. Suspended from slim black cords, drops of...
Metavaya Chandelier 1head / Gold / Clear Allure Suspension Lamp 653733644357 D-202112200010-2 Metavaya Chandelier Allure Suspension Lamp
22 heads Dia 70cm1head8heads12heads18heads26heads32heads36heads

Allure Suspension Lamp

Allure Suspension Lampr is made of the famous Murano glass, hand-shaped and blended into gold leaf. Each glass element is suspended on a metal base covered with satin gold finish....