Glass Pendant Lights

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Metavaya Pendant light 4 heads L 140cm x H 70cm / L 55.1″ x H 27.6″ / Gold Satellite Ceiling Pendant Light 662668906607 M2024011501-13 Satellite Ceiling Pendant Light Sale Metavaya Pendant light Satellite Ceiling Pendant Light Satellite Ceiling Pendant Light Sale
GoldBlackBrassShow More Colors
1 head L 51cm x H 70cm / L 20″ x H 27.6″2 heads L 88cm x H 70cm / L 34.6″ x H 27.6″2 headsB L 88cm x H 70cm / L 34.6″ x H 27.6″3 heads L 120cm x H 70cm / L 47.2″ x H 27.6″4 heads L 140cm x H 70cm / L 55.1″ x H 27.6″

Satellite Ceiling Pendant Light

Satellite is inspired by the conceptual and minimalist art movement of the 60S and 70S. These light sculptures are fundamentally geometric and architectonic. they rely on the cube as a...